This Is Me
Starting something and not stopping and failing hard.
Starting something and putting it down and picking it up again.
Starting something and loving it and kissing it all over.
Starting something and really going for it and getting there too soon.
Starting something and longing for it to be over and not going forward at all.
Starting something and telling my friends about it and sharing it on social media.
Starting something and stapling it to a wooden post and pulling out the staples with my fingernails one by one.
Starting something and glueing it to a large fig tree with a hot glue gun.
Starting something and repeating myself and starting something again and.
Starting something and putting it on ice and drinking it with a glass straw.
Starting something and getting halfway, admiring it from afar and tearing it to shreds.
Starting something and mixing it with kibble and 100% kelp powder and feeding it to my cat.
Starting something and considering calling it a poem but deleting “poem” and rewriting “something.”
Starting something and cheating on it and it turns into my cat.
Starting something and wrapping it in post-consumer waste paper and burying it in the park at night.
Starting something and watching it grow like an apple tree and it bears plums.
Starting something and taking a break and suddenly remembering I forgot to take my vitamins.
Starting something and making it a subscription service and actually making a lot of money on it.
Starting something and reading Haraway and turning into a fembot.
Starting something and having no intention of stopping and calling mom about it.
Starting something and wishing I had a mom to call about it and recalling my friends.
Starting something and making a deck of flash cards to remember all its lines and losing my memory on the TTC.
Starting something and setting a timer for ten minutes and waiting for it to arrive.
Starting something and lying about it and I’m on my knees begging for penance.
Starting something and turning it into kindling and using it to set the trash on fire.
Starting something and walking to the café and actually smiling at the hot barista.
Starting something and my phone dies and I’m finally free.
Starting something and inching it closer to the edge and hoping it doesn’t fall, all the while knowing.
Starting something and dropping porcelain plates from the balcony on purpose.
Starting something and loving the sound of its echo.
Starting something and looking it up on Wikipedia and following the links until Isaac Newton or Caitlyn Jenner.
Starting something and dressing it in drag and calling it contemporary.
Starting something and hole-punching it and putting it into my nothing binder.
Starting something and spraying rosewater on it and posting it to myself.
Starting something and smelling it and feeling disappointed because all the smell is gone (where did it go?).
Starting something and taking it on a walk in the new city and getting really lost.
Starting something and connecting it to the wifi and uploading it to the cloud without encryption.
Starting something and putting it down and picking it up again, but only halfway.
Starting something and writing it down and convincing myself in the reality of my own beliefs.